The best pedometer

I think the new Fitbit Zip is the best pedometer / walking tracker out there right now.

It’s better than an iPhone app because all of those run your battery down, and therefore can’t be on all the time.

It’s better than the full-featured Fitbit or Nike FuelBand because every time you have to charge it or sync it or upgrade the software is a chance that it’ll get left behind, run out of charge, or get lost.

The best pedometer is the one that’s always with you.

You should get one. And friend me.


Now read this

A duck bears no grudges

Habit Labs is ending soon, the third company I’ve started. The first one, The Robot Co-op, still lives on in some form or another, with (and myriad other offshoots). Its question: what do you want to do with your life?... Continue →