My 2013 resolution: memento morning

My resolution for 2013:

“At least 5 days a week, start my day proactively by doing at least one of these 6 things before looking at my phone: drink a glass of water, stretch, do pushups, do lunges, do plank, review my Look, Look, Look haiku deck (background on the fish thing).”

It’s so easy for me to fall into a mindset of reactive responses… I want to make a habit of being proactive every day. Action that starts from my own intentions rather than simply reactions to things that bounce my way.

To play along in my 2013 ONE resolution public accountability experiment, read about it here and sign up to join us here.

Feedback is welcome!


Now read this

Smarter than smart

There are 2 ways to be “smart”, and one way is better than the other. Smart Version 1: Know the answer to question X. Smart Version 2: Know how to find the answer to question X. If someone were to build 2 giant computers, one that was... Continue →